OK. That is a funny illustration above, not entirely accurate, but partially rings true.

So why does one company spend millions in promotions, advertising and labor to try to win market share only to suffer from mild results, while another seems to have people flocking to them effortlessly? Could it be that you or your company focuses on solving the wrong problems or creating more unintentionally? Could you be undermining your reputation and brand?

Consider this. Unless you are always wrong why would your customer always be right? If you are confident with your product and abilities then you don’t need to behave as though you have done something wrong. Don’t waste time on red carpet treatment when you can’t meet your most basic promises. It’s just lipstick on a pig.

Here are 8 reasons why you need to stick to the basics, keep your head held high and regain the confidence of your customers.

1. They need your experience

Ever heard the term “Careful what you wish for”? That is what your customer will be thinking after a transaction in which you did not offer your expertise. Ask probing questions to help you understand what your customer really wants or needs and respectfully challenge their assumptions if necessary. What would happen if every doctor made decisions based upon a patient’s self-diagnosis?

2. You know best

A customer does business with you because you provide goods or services that they value. You are the expert. Don’t risk losing their confidence by making them take on the role of the expert. The Salesman who tells you that you look great in every outfit you try on will make the sale, but lose your loyalty when you realize you were told what you wanted to hear as opposed to what you needed to hear. Diplomatically provide your customers the benefit of your knowledge

3. Customers need limits

It is great to under promise and over deliver. You will always have happy customers when they know they can count on you to deliver as promised. However, there will be the occasional customer who still wants more. If you are providing a good value to your customers you should not need to give in to excessive demands and erode your profit in the process. “Above and Beyond” is unimpressive when inconsistent and unnecessary if you can consistently deliver as promised.

4. They will never be happy

A customer who always demands and receives more than they pay for will never be happy. If what you are offering is reasonable, then giving in to excessive demands will only encourage more excessive demands in the future. If you offer your customers exceptional price value without a lot of bells or whistles but your customer wants luxury, then you either need to offer the additional service at a higher price, or recognize that this particular customer may be better served by another company which offers the luxury your customer is seeking. Your focus should be on serving your target customers from whom you are able to make a profit.

5. The cost is not worth the returns

Offering a concierge service is not profitable for every business. Define your target customer and what they truly value (price, luxury, convenience, etc.) Sometimes all your customers want is to be left alone. Accept that you can’t be everything to everyone and focus on your core strengths.

6. It builds resentment on both sides

Let’s face it. You can very easily lose the respect of your client when you become the servant. Kowtowing to a customer’s unreasonable demands will only serve to lower their opinion of your abilities and they will begin to look elsewhere for an alternative that they believe to be worthy of their patronage. You become bitter and resentful with your customers because you don’t understand why they don’t treat you with respect or appreciate your efforts.

7. It sets a bad precedence in business

Every time a business attempts to dazzle their customers they only set the bar higher for the next customer and their next transaction. The competition is forced to respond and try one up everyone else which only serves to drive up costs, tighten margins and challenge consistency of delivery . This only serves to undermine your reputation and brand in the end.

8. It is not sustainable

The bar owner who gives away free shots or does dollar drink specials as a sole strategy to drive revenues is the one who is months away from going out of business. The one, who reinvests in the business, ups the quality and price of the drinks will be the one with the line out the door.

At the end of the day people flock to what they believe is something special or requires minimal effort. They want an experience that makes them feel better, smarter and more successful. This happens when one perceives the provider as someone they can respect. If you have pride in your work you can provide your customer with the best products and services where they will be delighted and surprised of the positive outcomes. They will appreciate your honesty and caring and will reward you with loyalty and praise. In return you will find joy and success in your work which will in turn continue the positive cycle.

Good Luck-

David Dell

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